Thursday, August 25, 2011

Unanswered Prayers

When people make the comment "I am so in love with myself" I always thought duh...that's just a fact of nature Everyone love themselves. More and more each day I am totally understanding what that term fully means. Growing up I knew what I wanted Husband,Kids, and a dog. Lately things have changed.Before you dismiss this as one of those " I love being single"rants... having those things are still in my plans. But the other day it hit me that I have been blessed not to have some of those prayers answered. When you have time make sure to listen to the old Garth brooks song called unanswered prayers its really a great song. I think motherhood is great but was I ready for that all those times I wished I could have a child... would I have been half the mother I had? Would my child have all that I had as a child? I would like to say yes but, the truth is I had a lot to learn and still have a lot to learn... Sometimes I wake up and just want to lay in bed and do nothing... sometimes I want to come home and not cook.... Sometimes I just want to hop on the next plane south of nowhere..... Would that have been fair to my child? Would I have resented my child for breaking up the party? Would I have dropped it all? The answer to that could never be answered. What if that guy I thought was my prince charming asked for my hand... and I said Yes? Would I been able to... Cook dinner to satisfy him, Would I have been selfless enough? Would I have worked hard to compliment his life?Would I keep him interested? Its a fact that nature molds us and for the most part I could have been a great mother and wife, But its also a fact that you should never rush nature. Sometimes people make you feel Bad or even less than for not being a mother or wife. I am so sick of "Chiquita you next or Chiquita you need to have a Baby... How about it's not written for me yet I think when My time arrives you all will be entertained. If that's what you are looking for, or maybe you think I am unhappy. I know I am not the only person going threw the " Your clock is ticking stage" And I get it but... Not everyone get it!! You never know what the person you are teasing with " You old as dirt" jokes is going threw. Maybe that person it trying to have children and is unsuccessful, Maybe they want to be married but have not found that special one yet!! I am sure in the next few years I will be on the road to motherhood and maybe even married.. Just let me get there on my own... just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care some of gods greatest gifts are his unanswered prayers!!


  1. this is so true you can never be 100% ready for motherhood or marriage but you know when youre ready. At age 25 i feel as though i was stable enough to have a child and start a family but honestly i was not READY there is a huge difference. i knew i could and that i am the best mother 1 could ask and i would not change it for the world. to each its own i feel if someone wants to wait until "they are" ready to take such huge steps than so be it (genarrlly speaking)NO ONE and i mean NO ONE knows you like you know yourself so dont live your life or make certain decisions based on someone elses advice and or opinions because it will be you and ONLY you who would have to suffer the consequences rather good or bad. i feel the same way about college Shay. College is not for everone but does that make you uneduacted or beneath the next person NO (you should do a blog on that too But it is a serious matter and should be thought out before taking that step instead of wasting time, money, and space worried about how other ppl will look at you and judge you if you dont. coming from a mother and soon to be wife to those looking to get married and have childrne (in whatever order it may come) take your time and do it at your own pace. These things are all beautiful live chaning events and deserve your all and your best. GREAT BLOG SHAY KEEP IT UP..

  2. Aww thanks so much!! I try to speak some truth to all things... Life is about learning and doing things at your own space!! People have been sending me great topics and I will be posting!! Thanks and please spread the word!!

