Wednesday, November 9, 2011


There is no secret men and women have been slacking in the dating department, both sexes have given up on it. It’s so easy to bash the opposite sex when it comes to dating, due to the lack of date nights. Women have become accustomed to the “honeymoon” stage. You know when you first meet a guy and he wants to take you out every day and even allows you to pick the dates…. (Funtimes) but they sure fade away very quickly. All of the sudden he is too busy for the monster he has made. Some women have even become accustomed to one date, really?!?! I think date nights are a great way to renew a relationship, during the week you are busy with work, children, school and maybe all three and you tend to get lost in the work week grind. Being able to take yourself out of that environment and relax and talk with your mate about their week, issues, and accomplishments you are able to connect with them on a deeper level. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out things to do for date nights movies, dinner, renting red box movies, bowling, skating and even just going site seeing. Some couples have planned date nights such as the second Friday, fourth Saturday which is great because you are committed to those days and you can plan ahead and look forward to it, each couple is different so do what’s best you. Fellas I understand you are burned out with the date night idea, but if you set up your boundaries you are sure to enjoy it. If a woman wants you to take her out on extravagant dates challenge hear to take turns paying. I am very sure that will knock the expensive taste out her mouth. It’s all fun when you can party and dine on someone else’s dime, but when you are paying the tab you are more mindful of spending. Don’t get me wrong I love for a man to pamper me but I don’t think it is right to have someone continuously spend tons of money on me. The person may feel entitled to talk and treat you any kind of way, no one will dangle the carrot over my head. Also be sure that your voice is heard when date nights are planned. If she wants to go out every week and you want to do it once a mouth meet in the middle, go twice a month that way both parties have sacrificed something. And when it comes to choosing the date nights make sure to mix it up. It’s unfair for men to have to go see chick flicks every time and unfair for women to have to always go to a sporting event (which I would love), rotate on who chooses the place and enjoy it!! I don’t think dating is dead…. I think it’s on life support, don’t pull the plug just yet!! Nourish it and bring your date night back to life or make sure in your future relationships it is enforced.

1 comment:

  1. This was a great relatable blog Shay I love it ~Tasha
